New Year, Same me!

Hi you! Long time no see right?! It’s been one heck of a year for me. I can’t believe my first year as mom is over already. If you asked me at the beginning of the year if I thought I would survive this first year of motherhood I would’ve said absolutely NOT! I’m so proud of myself and how much I’ve grown over this past year. There were definitely ups and downs but looking back I’m so grateful for every memory we’ve created as a family. Being a mother takes a huge toll on a woman and it can definitely feel like a part of who you are is gone and will never come back. But what we don’t notice is that we gain a whole other part of us that never existed and it’s absolutely wonderful to look back and see where I started and how I am now. One thing that took a backseat, though, was this blog. With a new baby and teaching at the dance studio, I didn’t have a chance to even visit my blog let alone have the creative space to think about creating content. I made this blog solely to make me happy and share my love of fashion with all of you! So that is definitely my New Year’s resolution. This is my public promise to anyone reading this that I will be posting weekly (atleast) blogposts about anything and everything fashion, home, and life!

I hope this year is your best one yet! Thanks for being here!

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