Abercrombie and Fitch Denim!

I’ve been an AnF girlie pretty much all my life. I worked at the Abercrombie store for about 5 years back when I lived in Michigan. I have so many fond memories of working there. I loved their clothes back then and I still love them to this day. They really keep up to date […]

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Viral Amazon Set!

I’m absolutely obsessed with matching sets for every season but I’m especially excited for cosy sets for Fall and I found the perfect one on Amazon! I’m sure you’ve already seen this somewhere on social media but I’m here to tell you it’s worth the hype! Super soft and well-made. It feels way more expensive […]

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New Year, Same me!

Hi you! Long time no see right?! It’s been one heck of a year for me. I can’t believe my first year as mom is over already. If you asked me at the beginning of the year if I thought I would survive this first year of motherhood I would’ve said absolutely NOT! I’m so […]

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